Skin Cancer

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with at least 2 in 3 Australians likely to be diagnosed with skin cancer during their lifetime. Early detection through routine skin checks with dermatologists is crucial in preventing skin cancer. Regular screenings can catch skin cancer at its earliest stages, making treatment more effective and improving outcomes.

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in Australia. It occurs when skin cells are damaged, often by excessive sun exposure.

When should I go to a Dermatologist if I suspect Skin Cancer?

  • If you are at high-risk of skin cancer or have a suspicious mole or spot, you should ask your GP for a referral to a dermatologist.

  • Dermatologists are specialists trained in the diagnosis and treatment of all skin diseases including skin cancer. They are extensively trained over four years and have expertise in skin surgery techniques and the specific treatment approaches for different tumour types.

  • The specialist training and clinical experience means dermatologists can better recognise and differentiate between changes in the skin which may indicate cancer. This translates to a greater efficiency in skin cancer diagnosis and a reduction in the number of unnecessary biopsies and excisions, and as a result, fewer adverse effects associated with excisions and wound repair.

  • Detection and early diagnosis of skin cancer leads to a greater chance of survival.

  • Dermatologists play a central role in skin cancer management and are well placed to help you navigate the healthcare pathway to ensure that you receive appropriate, multidisciplinary skin cancer care. Depending on your diagnosis and any ongoing care needs, your dermatologist may also refer you to a dermatology sub-specialist for Mohs surgery, to other medical specialists such as plastic surgeons, cancer surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists, or to a hospital melanoma unit.

To book your skin check appointment contact Shades Dermatology. Our team of Dermatology specialists here to help you find the best approach for your skin concerns.

Types of Skin Cancer

What Causes Skin Cancer?

How skin cancer looks like?

How is Skin Cancer Diagnosed?

Treatment options for Skin Cancer

How to Protect your skin from Skin Cancer?

Patients Support Groups and Useful links

Medical Disclaimer

Healthy skin of all Shades.

Book your consultation at Shades Dermatology

To book your next appointment with one of our Dermatologists, either follow the booking link below, or call (07) 3184 3442 during office hours & our friendly staff will assist you.