Skin Checks
Skin checks are a form of screening to detect skin cancer early. Regularly examining your own skin is crucial, and your dermatologist will guide you on how to do this effectively.
Skin cancer is a serious concern in Australia, but it's often preventable and treatable when detected early. Early detection of skin cancer significantly increases the chances of successful treatment.
At Shades Dermatology, our experienced Dermatologists offer comprehensive skin checks to help you monitor your skin health and detect any potential skin cancers early. To book your skin check appointment contact our admin team.
Who should have regular Skin Checks?
What happens during a Skin Check?
Tips for Self-Skin Checks
Patients Support Groups and Useful links
Medical Disclaimer
Healthy skin of all Shades.
Book your consultation at Shades Dermatology
To book your next appointment with one of our Dermatologists, either follow the booking link below, or call (07) 3184 3442 during office hours & our friendly staff will assist you.