Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterised by red and scaly patches and plaques on the skin with well-defined edges. It tends to persist lifelong and can fluctuate in extent and severity.
Psoriasis: why Shades Dermatology?
Psoriasis can significantly impact your quality of life, but effective management is possible. Shades Dermatology offers a comprehensive approach to psoriasis care, including personalised treatment plans utilising topical medications, phototherapy, oral medications, and potentially biologic therapies. Our expert dermatologists work closely with you to develop a treatment strategy that addresses your specific needs and helps you achieve clearer skin and a better quality of life.
For more information about Psoriasis please contact Shades Dermatology. Our team of specialists is here to help you find the best approach for your skin concerns.
Learn more about Psoriasis
What causes Psoriasis?
What does Psoriasis look like?
Types of Psoriasis
How is psoriasis diagnosed?
Treatment options for Psoriasis
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Healthy skin of all Shades.
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To book your next appointment with one of our Dermatologists, either follow the booking link below, or call (07) 3184 3442 during office hours & our friendly staff will assist you.